
Hello! I am an engineer with a passion for data and beautiful maps. In this space I share my journey, learn how to use new tools, and showcase the work I am most proud of.

This still is a very young website, as it is also a new area for me. Rather than aiming to be an authorative resource, it is an attempt to document my learning process, where you can follow along as I try different things.


Visualizing how many meat chickens are slaughtered every single minute in the different states of the US based on data from the Census of Agriculture.


How to Get Country Shapes for Usage in Python Maps

How to Get Country Shapes for Usage in Python Maps

A comparison of different sources providing country shapes and administrative boundaries that can be used to create maps using Python.

Using Python to Create Maps from Scratch

Using Python to Create Maps from Scratch

This article describes how to use Python and configure it as an alternative for GIS software, to start creating maps.

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